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Investor Targeting

Find out how to use Smartkarma's Investor Targeting tool

Vidhi Bhatt avatar
Written by Vidhi Bhatt
Updated over a week ago

The Investor Targeting tool is an exhaustive list of institutional investors. It also displays the investors in your company, and investors in your peers. You can contact these investors and share updates.

It is the fourth tab on the top of your screen.

You can filter them on the basis of location, industries or sector of interest, geography of interest, and specialisation.

My Investors

This is a pre-filtered view of investor contacts in your company. They either currently own your company's stock or did own your company's stock in the past.

In My Peers

This is a pre-filtered view of investor contacts in your peer companies. Select each individual peer name to see which institutions own them and the investor contacts at those institutions. You can strategically target these investors.

Adding Investor Contacts and Emailing Them

Add investors to your contact list(s) once you have filtered down to the ones you want to target by ticking the box and then clicking on "+ Contact List". You can also add all investor contacts from a firm by ticking the box alongside the institution name and then clicking on "+Contact List"

Select the contact list you want to add them to and then click "Save".

You can find all the investor contacts you've added in "My Contact Lists"

To contact them, click on the email icon alongside the selected contact list.

It will open up your email client with all the investor contacts in Bcc. You can edit your subject in your mailbox and add in the relevant updates in the body of your email.

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